In recent months, FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding has undergone several changes in its business structure. With new acquisitions and new countries in which to develop our activity, we look to the future with confidence and are ready to continue working together towards new times.
With this context in mind, and in the hopes that everyone can participate in this change, we launch an internal rebranding contest so that all people within the company can be part of this transformation.
Want to be part of the change?
What is the contest about?
Participants will present a brand proposal for the global group that can be easily recognised and with which all its stakeholders, and especially the people of the company, can identify with, regardless of geographical location, whether they have a corporate email address or not.
Please note that brands currently used in the regional business platforms (Atlantic, UK, CEE and Americas) cannot be proposed, will not be affected and will remain as they are now: FCC Medio Ambiente, FCC Environment, FCC Environmental Services, FCC Environnement...
The submitted proposal shall consist of:
- a single word, preceded by the term ‘FCC’ in order to leverage the power of the FCC Group brand;
- this word should ideally be understandable in several languages, at least and necessarily in English and Spanish;
- this word must refer or relate to the environmental services activities of FCC SMAH (e.g. ‘FCC Circular’, term that is excluded from possible proposals).
The call for proposals will open on 10th of February and close on 14th of March 2025
How can I participate?
Participants should send an email to rebrandingSMAH@fcc.es with the subject: ‘Employee ID First Name Last Name - REBRANDING PROPOSAL’, attaching the duly completed proposal submission template, saved under the same name as the subject, which you can download from this page.
Selected proposal and prize
The selected proposal will win a trip for two people, with paid expenses, to Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) to visit the Waste Expo exhibition.
Para cualquier aclaración, os invitamos a leer con detenimiento las Bases Legales y de Participación o poneros en contacto a través del buzón: rebrandingSMAH@fcc.es.