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FCC joins in the celebration of the International Day Against Climate Change


FCC joins in the celebration of the International Day Against Climate Change

FCC joins in the celebration of the International Day Against Climate Change

Every 24 October the International Day against Climate Change is commemorated, a date established by the United Nations to mobilise and raise awareness among millions of people around the world about the effects of climate change and the serious danger posed by global warming.

FCC develops policies, control systems and initiatives, both corporate and in each of its business areas, with the aim of combating climate change, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and integrating the goals and indicators established in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of its strategy.

It also has a Climate Change Strategy, which establishes the strategic lines and the roadmap until 2050, basing its management for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change on five fundamental pillars: Communication, Reduction, Innovation, Monitoring and Adaptation. 

Climate-related risks and opportunities are included in the FCC Group's Risk Management Model, which guarantees their periodic evaluation and the establishment of controls for their prevention and detection. 

The main risks related to climate change include exposure to extreme weather events, water scarcity, the establishment of new limits on GHG emissions, the appearance of new regulations regarding the energy recovery of waste and the energy certification of buildings, among others.

Throughout the year, the FCC Group, in line with its commitment to climate change management, has taken into account the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). These recommendations are structured into: governance model, strategy, risk management and metrics and objectives in order to inform investors and other stakeholders of the management and integration of the risks and opportunities derived from climate change in its business model.